Although we all call various parts of the world home and are in various stages of our lives,
we all have one thing in common, and that is, we all share the common Thibaud thread.
Some of us have been away from Thibaud for as much as 60 years, others have never visited, but have
always wanted to visit. This is the time to make that journey, a journey which will be shared by many. The 2008 Thibaud
Countdown Clocks at
Our journey for this reunion began in the summer of 2006 and we are proud to say that Thibaud Reunion 2008 is right around
the corner. Thanks to all of you for doing this from a grassroots initiative. We worked very hard together, we raised funds
monthly, within our communitees in Thibaud and abroard. This type of grassroots movement is what makes the Thibaud Reunion
unique. We have done this as a community and will celebrate as a community as well. Thanks to the power of the internet for
bringing us much closer together.
We have demonstrated over the years that we don't need the accolades, we are all committeed to having a traditional Dominican
Christmas, at the same time giving back to our community and celebrating with each other.
Thank you Thibaud for being a trendsetters with your planned activities and programs. We are proud to say that our efforts
to set up an education fund at the inception of our group, for the our youth have been echoed by some of the villages and
we are proud that education has taken on a bigger theme for most of the reunions in Dominica.
Let's Make Thibaud Reunion 2008 Great!

Please click on the map for a larger view
We have included a map of Dominica to help you with logistical issues.