Village council elections were held in Thibaud recently and the results are as follows in the order that they appear:
Frances Royer (with majority of the votes) followed by Mona Francois, Nicole Samba, Theodore Remy and Paul Francois.
The other candidates were Henry Sebastien, Andy St. Rose (Ann Marie’s son), Cuthbert Matthew and Maulana Andre.
The Chairman/chairwoman has not yet been appointed.The appointment and
inauguration of the chairman will be made by the Minister of Community Development.The announcement will be made within the next few weeks.
Hopefully whoever is inaugurated as chairman/chairwoman will continue to support the reunion efforts that have been
set in place in the community.I am certain that we will all support them as
they in turn will help us make the reunion a success.
Dean takes on Dominica
A few weeks ago we were all
glued to the television, radio, cell phones and computers bracing ourselves for the outcome of hurricane Dean’s destruction
of our little island. Most of us were reminiscing about Hurricane David, another “D”, that a few decades ago had
devastated our poor island.
Fortunately, we were greatly
spared, although there were some casualties. Hurricane Dean was liable for two deaths on the island, as well asmud slides and loss of crops especially banana, and a few homes and business destruction.
In Thibaud we were spared
with a few farmers losing crops and a few homes, Mrs. Bertilie Francois’, Charmaine and Mascoll Letang and Diana and
Andrew Augustine's.
They have since all received
compensation from the government.
Video of Hurricane Dean in Dominica
Upcoming October
The Thibaud Reunion Committee
in St. Croix
will be hosting a fundraising Dinner on October 27, at Victourious Believers Sanctuary. Tickets are $20. The event will include
dinner as well as a brief overview about Thibaud as well as efforts and goals for the reunion. For ticket information you
are welcome to contact Mrs. Merlyn Massicott at
The Florida Reunion Committee
will be hosting their biggest fundraiser to date. It will be a "Fry Nite" held during the Miami Carnival weekend/Columbus
Day Weekend, on the evening of Friday, October 5.The event will be held at the
home of Mrs. Francilia Leevy Massicot, 7031 Scott Street, Hollywood,Florida. Please
pass this information on to your family and friends. Those of you who will be vacationing in South
Florida that weekend are welcome to attend and show your support.
There will be food, drinks,
music and much more.
Table of Contents
Village Council
elections results
Hurricane Dean
takes on Dominica
Upcoming October
St. Croix’s
Reunion Committee to the Rescue
Minister gives the green light
A conversation with the director of the Thibaud Reunion Committee
Reunion colours
South Florida aiming to reach $100,000.00 mark?
Prime Minister Roosevelt
Skerrit is onboard
The Parliamentary representative
for Thibaud, Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit, has pledged his support for the Thibaud Reunion 2008. He has stated that he
will help with the preparations before the reunion as well as during the reunion.Prime
Minister Skerrit will soon be meeting with the Reunion Committee in Thibaud to discuss plans for the Reunion activities.
We are also pleased to mention
that Prime Minister Skerrit has given the green light to the Thibaud Reunion Committee to use the Resource Center as the Reunion
Head Quarters. He mentioned that projects which were initially slated for Thibaud, such as roads and bridges repair,
will be completed before the reunion.
Reunion colours
Cast your vote for the Reunion colours
The winning logo for
the reunion needs a make over. We are presenting various color options for the logo. In order to keep cost at a minimum, we
would like to have T-shirts, and other promotional pieces printed in one colour only. Please let us know which colour option
and combination you like best.
South Florida aiming to
reach the $100,000.00 mark?
Yes it is possible. The South Florida group has been vigilant
in their fundraising efforts. They continue out perform themselves and could pass the $100,000.00 mark by next
year December. Congratulations to this solid group.
According to Tessa Paul,
Secretary of the Reunion Committee in South Florida;
The Reunion Committee group
in South Florida
recently opened a bank account under the groups name with money from several of the fundraising events.The group have decided to host at least two events each month. As one member put it "we are aiming for
hundred thousand", by reunion 2008. Membership seem to be increasing at every
meeting, as we have nearly 40 plus strong thibaudrians in South Florida.Thibaud folks in South Florida are committed to this reunion, whether
by means of sharing, cooking those delicious dishes for the Barbecues, or giving up their home to host the event.
The Father's Day Breakfast
was a huge success. The turn out was not expected since it was planned for the
morning, but instead people showed up in large number ready to "buy", have fun and mingle. We served some of Thibaud's favorites.
We wish to thank Joan and Family for hosting the Memorial Day event, Delford & Margorie for the August 4th event
and Mrs. Cecilia Ettiene for the Labor Day event.
Poll Results:
Mr. Austrie was voted the best principal, he won 45% of the vote.
St. Croix’s Reunion Committee to the Rescue
In the wake of Hurricane
Dean, the St. Croix Reunion Committee sent school supplies that included books, pencils, and pens and other stationery items
that were distributed to students in the school as well as surplus items for the School.
A conversation with
the director of the Thibaud Reunion Committee
Mrs. Theresa
Royer, director of the Thibaud Reunion 2008 Committee is still steadfast and excited about plans for the Thibaud Reunion 2008.
In recent conversations with her, she mentioned that the village is vigilant in their attempt to make Thibaud a home for many
during the reunion celebrations. She also mentioned that congratulations and well wishes have been pouring in from all over,
as well as boxes, bags and barrels. “Things are progressing and we are very happy about the pace”. She went on further to say “We have hosted quite a few events and have always gotten positive outcomes.”Mrs. Royer also expressed that the Reunion Committee is anticipating the official
launching of the Thibaud Reunion 2008 this Christmas season.
According to Mrs. Royer,
the entire Thibaud community would like to thank those who supported them during Hurricane Dean, especially the St. Croix group, who responded
immediately after the hurricane. They would also like to thank the South Florida group for
sending 2 barrels and boxes with products that they continue to sell in a flea market style to raise funds for the reunion.
Lastly, Mrs.
Royer wants everyone to invite their friends to Thibaud for the reunion next year, and she stated that the village is making
plans to make this reunion memorable for every one.
The Committee has identified
the activities that they are going to concentrate on for the reunion. They are as follows:
Ecumenical Service
Creole in the Park
Kiddies Day
Health and Education Symposium
Awards and Gala
Christmas tree Lighting
Carol Night
Village Day
Community Day of Service/Project
According to Mrs. Royer,
a calendar of these events will be posted soon.
She concluded by saying that
she is very proud of the progress of the committees abroad and their enthusiasm, and is devoted to seeing the reunion a success
for all.